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日期: 2022-09-30     查看次数: 261



- 建设成为世界一流的研究生院,成为服务社会和引领发展的一流人才培养基地;

- 开展全球重大挑战问题的研究,成为学科交叉融合的国际创新研究中心;

- 探索现代大学治理体系,成为学校-企业-政府合作以及国际化校园的典范。


 Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School (Tsinghua SIGS) was launched in March 2019. As Tsinghua University’s sole campus located outside of Beijing. Tsinghua SIGS is a further expansion and integration of the Tsinghua Graduate School at Shenzhen (GSST) and the Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute (TBSI).

Our mission is to reshape graduate education as well as research and development to better serve local, national, regional, and global sustainable development. Tsinghua SIGS will nurture the next generations of global leaders, tackle global challenges through international collaborations, and facilitate interdisciplinary research and industrial partnerships.


Ocean Engineering

招聘方向 Recruiting Fields


- 深海工程、滨海工程与技术、海洋生态环境三大方向;- 海洋工程与物理海洋、海洋装备、海洋能源、海洋信息、海洋生态与环境五大应用领域。- Deep Sea Engineering, Coastal Engineering and Technology, Marine Ecological Environment.- 5 Application areas: Ocean Engineering and Physical Ocean,Marine Equipment, Marine Energy,Marine Information,Marine Ecology and Environment.

招聘类别 Currently Recruiting

 ◆ 顶尖人才:


◆ 杰出人才:


◆ 青年人才:


 ◆ Topnotch Faculty

- Scholars with extensive international academic influence recognized by international peers. Professors with special achievements in top Universities. Work full-time at Tsinghua SIGS.

◆ Outstanding Faculty

- Tenured professors or associate professors from universities at home and abroad, or high-level talents of considerable level from research institutions at home and abroad; have achieved internationally recognized academic achievements in his/her field of study; have profound scientific literacy and broad academic vision, and excellent organizational leadership ability. Work full-time at Tsinghua SIGS.

◆ Young Faculty

- Hold formal teaching or research positions in universities, research institutions, or enterprises at home and abroad; have achieved outstanding academic achievements in his/her field, with outstanding innovation ability, and a potential to become an academic or technological leader in his/her respective field. Work full-time at Tsinghua SIGS.

 岗位介绍 Recruitment Information

 ◆ 岗位:


◆ 年薪:


◆ 经费支持:


◆ 博士后和招生名额:


◆ 应聘资格:






 1. Position Rank

-  Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor

2.  Annual salary

-  Tsinghua SIGS will provide a highly competitive salary, commensurate with experience and accomplishments.

3. Benefits

-  Tsinghua SIGS will provide a research start-up package, basic supportive funding, and a relocation reimbursement for qualified faculty.

4.  Student and Postdoctoral Recruitment

-  Tsinghua SIGS will finance up to 2 Ph.D. students and provide a competitive salary package for post-doctoral researchers for faculty members.

5. Qualifications

-  A doctoral or equivalent degree in a relevant academic area is required.

-  At least two-years working experience at a university or research institute is normally required.

-  Research experience across various fields and institutions and strong teaching performance are preferred.

-  Candidates should be able to demonstrate strong communication, teaching and leadership skills in English as well as the ability to actively contribute to the rapidly growing research efforts at Tsinghua SIGS.

-  A strong commitment to teaching and supervising postgraduate students is essential. Teaching responsibilities will include participation in and development of graduate courses and strong engagement with Tsinghua SIGS’s core curriculum. Supervision of PhD and MSc students and academic mentoring of trainees at all levels is also expected.

岗位申请 Application


1)  学术简历

2) Tsinghua SIGS Faculty Application Form(https://talent.sigs.tsinghua.edu.cn/#/guide)

3)  研究计划、教学计划、服务计划

4)  3-5篇代表性论著

5)  3-5封推荐信(请推荐人直接发到referee@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn,最迟需在确认进入面试后发送)

Please send the following application documents (in English) to academic area contact person via e-mail with the subject line“Application for Faculty Position in Ocean Engineering area at Tsinghua SIGS” before October 23th,2022. 

a)  Curriculum Vitae

b) Tsinghua SIGS Faculty Application Form ( https://talent.sigs.tsinghua.edu.cn/#/guide )

c)  Research/Teaching/Service Statement

d)  PDF copies of 3 to 5 representative publications

e)  Arrange 3-5 reference letters sent from renowned experts in related fields (the letters must be emailed to referee@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn directly and they can be sent after the invitation letter is received) 


E-mail: qiaodan_liu@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn

Tel: +86-0755-26036112


Contact:Ms. LIU

E-mail: qiaodan_liu@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn

Tel: +86-0755-26036112

For details, please visit SIGS website and recruitment website:



Welcome to join us!


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