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姓名: 俞志明 工作单位: 中国科学院海洋研究所
性别: 出生日期:
所在区域: 山东青岛 研究方向: 藻华防控与近海富营养化
职务: 职称: 研究员
学历: 研究生 学位: 博士
人才称号: “全国留学归国人员先进个人”(2003年)、“全国海洋科技先进工作者”(2006年)、“山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家”(2006年)
1994.01-1995.12:加拿大Bedford海洋研究所、加拿大Institute of Ocean Sciences博士后
1996.01-1997.12:加拿大University of British Columbia访问科学家
1999.11-2000.06:美国Wools Hole海洋研究所客座研究员
作为负责人先后主持了国家杰出青年基金、国家基金创新群体项目、国家基金委与山东省联合基金项目、国家自然科学基金重点和面上项目,还承担了国家重点基础研究项目(973项目)课题、 科技部863项目、中国科学院A类先导专项(海洋专项项目二)以及地方政府委托项目等30余项,承担的主要项目包括:
2.国家自然科学基金“长江口富营养化水域氮循环关键过程中氮稳定同位素特征研究” (2013~2016),负责人。
4.山东省“蓝区”近海生态环境承载力研究—富营养化评价与防护研究 ”(2012~2014),负责人。
1. 俞志明,沈志良等编著,2011,《长江口水域富营养化》(Eutrophication in the Changjiang River estuary and Adjacent Waters),北京:科学出版社。
2. Haiyan Yu, Zhiming Yu*, Xiuxian Song, Xihua Cao, Yongquan Yuan and Guangyuan Lu, 2015. Seasonal variation in the nitrogen isotopic composition of dissolved nitrate in the Changjiang River estuary, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,155:148-155.
3. Guangyuan Lu, Xiuxian Song*, Zhiming Yu*, Xihua Cao, Yongquan Yuan, 2015. Environmental effects of modified clay flocculation on Alexandrium tamarense and paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins (PSTs), Chemsophere, 127:188-194.
4. Liyan He,Xiaotian Han,Zhiming Yu*,2014. A Rare Phaeodactylum tricornutum Cruciform Morphotype: Culture Conditions, Transformation and Unique Fatty Acid Characteristics, PLoS ONE, 9(4): e93922.
5. Zhifu Wang,Zhiming Yu*,Xiuxian Song,Xihua Cao,Yue Zhang,2014. Effects of ammonium and nitrate on encystment and growth of Scrippsiella trochoidea,Chinese Science Bulletin,59(33):4491-4497.
6. Wu Zaixing, Yu Zhiming*, Song Xiuxian, Yuan Yongquan, Cao Xihua, Liang Yubo, 2013. The spatial and temporal characteristics of harmful algal blooms in the southwest Bohai Sea,Continental Shelf Research,59:10-17.
7. Xiangan Li, Zhiming Yu*, Xiuxian Song, Xihua Cao, Yongquan Yuan, 2011. The Seasonal Characteristics of Dissolved Oxygen Distribution and Hypoxia in the Changjiang Estuary, Journal of Coastal Research, 27(6A):52-62.
8. Junxiang Lai, Zhiming Yu*, Xiuxian Song, Xihua Cao, Xiaotian Han, 2011. Responses of the growth and biochemical composition of Prorocentrum donghaiense to different nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 405:6-17.
9. Bo Liu*, ZhimingYu, XiuxianSong, Fei Yang, 2010. Effects of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate and sodium dodecyl sulfate on the Mytilus galloprovincialis biomarker system, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73:835-841.
10. Chao Chai, Zhiming Yu*, Zhiliang Shen, Xiuxian Song, Xihua Cao, Yun Yao, 2009. Nutrient characteristics in the Yangtze River Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea before and after impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam, Science of the Total Environment, 407:4687-4695.
11. Xiujuan Liu, Zhiming Yu*, Xiuxian Song, Xihua Cao, 2009. The Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Nitrate in the Yangtze River (Changjiang) Estuary, China, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 85(4): 641-650.
12. Yanfang Zhao, Zhiming Yu*, Xiuxian Song and Xihua Cao, 2009. Biochemical compositions of two dominant bloom- forming species isolated from the Yangtze River Estuary in response to different nutrient conditions, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 368:30-36.
13. You Wang, Zhiming Yu*, Xiuxian Song, Xuexi Tang and Zhang Shandong, 2007. Effects of macroalgae Ulva pertusa (Chlorophyta) and Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta) on growth of four species of bloom-forming dinoflagellates, Aquatic Botany, 86: 139-147.
14. Bo Liu, Zhiming Yu*, Xiuxian Song, Yueqiang Guan, 2007. Studies on the transmission of WSSV (white spot syndrome virus) in juvenile Marsupenaeus japonicus via marine microalgae, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 95:87-92.
15. Yu Li, Zhiming Yu*, Xiuxian Song, Qinlin Mu, 2006. Trace metal concentrations in suspended particles, sediments and clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) from Jiaozhou Bay of China, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 121:491-501.
16. Wu Jifa, Yu Zhiming*, Song Xiuxian, Wang You,2006. Response of integrated markers of fish (Lateolabrax japonicus) exposing to benzo[a]pyrene and sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 65: 230-236.
17. Wang You, Yu Zhiming*, Song Xiuxian, Zhang Shandong, 2006. Interactions between the bloom- forming dinoflagellates Prorocentrum donghaiense and Alexandrium tamarense in laboratory cultures, Journal of Sea Research, 56:17-26.
18. Chao Chai, Zhiming Yu*, Xiuxian Song and Xihua Cao, 2006. The status and characteristics of eutrophication in the Yangtze River (Changjiang) Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea, China, Hydrobiologia, 563:313-328.
19. Bo Liu, Zhiming Yu and Xiuxian Song, Yueqiang Guan, Xufeng Jian, Jianguo He, 2006. The effect of acute salinity change on white spot syndrome (WSS) outbreaks in Fenneropenaeus chinensis,Aquaculture, 253:163-170.
20. Wu Jifa, Yu Zhiming*, Song Xiuxian, Wang Youa, Cao Xihua, 2005. Comparative researches on effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate and sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate upon Lateolabrax japonicus biomarker system, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 20:465-470.
21. Zhiming Yu, Mario R. Sengco and Donald M. Anderson,2004. Flocculation and removal of the brown-tide organism, Aureococcus anophagefferens (Chrysophyceae), using clays,Journal of Applied Phycology, 16:101-110.
22. Zhiming Yu*, Caiwen Li and Yueqiang Guan, 2003. Effect of salinity on the immune responses and outbreak of white spot syndrome in the shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus, OPHELIA, 57(2): 99--106.
23. Yueqiang Guan, Zhiming Yu* and Caiwen Li, 2003. The effects of temperature on white spot syndrome infections in Marsupenaeus japonicus, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 83:257-260.
24. YU Zhiming*, SONG Xiuxian, 2003. Matrix-bound Phosphine—A New Form of Phosphorus Found in Sediment of Jiaozhou Bay, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(1): 31-35.
25. Yu Zhiming, Sun Xiaoxia, Song Xiuxian and Zhang Bo, 1999. Clay surfaces modification and its coagulation of red tide organisms, Chinese Science Bulletin, 44(7): 617-620.
26. Nathalie A. Waser, Zhiming Yu, Kedong Yin, etc., 1999. Nitrogen isotopic fractionation during a simulated diatom spring bloom: importance of N-starvation in controlling fractionation, Marine Ecology Progress Series, V179: 291-296.
27. Yu Zhiming and D.V. Subba Rao, 1998. Impact of germanium on the growth of Psuedonitzschia pungens f. multiseries and the production of algal toxin, Chinese Science Bulletin, 43(24): 2091-2095.
28. Yu Zhiming, Zou Jingzhong and Ma Xinian, 1995, Application of clays to removal of red tide organisms III. The coagulation of kaolin on red tide organisms, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Liminology, 13(1): 62-70.
29. Yu Zhiming, Zou Jingzhong and Ma Xinian, 1994, Application of clays to removal of red tide organisms II. Coagulation of different species of red tide organisms with montmorillonite and effect of clay pretreatment, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Liminology, 12 (4): 316-324.
30.Yu Zhiming, Zou Jingzhong and Ma Xinian, 1994,Application of clays to removal of red tide organisms I. Coagulation of red tide organisms with clays, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Liminology, 12(3): 193-200.



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