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姓名: 魏 东 工作单位: 华南理工大学食品科学与工程学院
性别: 出生日期: 1966年12月
所在区域: 广州 研究方向: 工业生物技术
职务: 职称: 教授
学历: 研究生 学位: 博士
联系方式: 020-87113849
1. 高产菌种选育与细菌虾青素发酵工艺开发(企业技术开发项目,2022.4-2024.3)
2. 小球藻突变库构建与突变株性能系统评价(企业技术服务项目,2021.6-2026.5)
3. CO2化学吸收-微藻光合固碳耦合减排新技术及碳迁移机理研究(广东省基础与应用基础研究基金联合基金重点项目,2020.1-2023.12)
4. 农产品质量安全风险评估(政府购买服务项目,2021.5.21-2022.06.30)
5. 微藻脱硝组合工艺的工业示范(企业委托开发项目,2018.1.1-2020.12.30)
6. 嗜酸嗜热红藻-小球藻两阶段耦合光发酵工艺处理高氨氮废水技术开发(企业技术服务项目,2019.8-2020.7)
7. 利用酵母-微藻共培养系统处理水禽养殖废水及资源化利用示范(广州市科技计划项目产学研协同创新重大专项,2017.5.1-2019.11.30)
8. 基于微藻培养的高氨氮废液处理技术开发(企业技术服务项目,2018.5-2018.12)
9. CO2驱动胶球藻积累甘油三酯的脂组学变化及其机理研究(国家自然科学基金, 2014~2017)
1. B. Zhu, D. Wei*, G. Pohnert, Thethermoacidophilic red alga Galdieria sulphuraria is a highly efficientcell factory for ammonium recovery from ultrahigh-NH4+industrial effluent with co-production of high-protein biomass byphoto-fermentation, Chemical Engineering Journal 438 (2022) 135598 (Q1TOP, 2020 IF 13.273)
2.Wang, Q., Wei, D.*, Luo, X., Zhu, J., Rong, J., Ultrahigh recovery rateof nitrate from synthetic wastewater by Chlorella-based photo-fermentation with optimallight-emitting diode illumination: From laboratory to pilot plant, Bioresource Technology 348 (2022) 126779 (Q1 TOP, 2020 IF 9.642)
3. Liu,L.; Xie, M.; Wei, D*. Biological Detoxification of Mycotoxins: CurrentStatus and Future Advances. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 1064 (Q1, 2020IF 5.924)
4. 余建英, 朱宝君, 魏东*,非灭菌光发酵嗜硫原始红藻高效去除工业废水中铵根的补糖模式优化,环境工程学报,已录用.
5. Jun-Hui Chen, Dong Wei*, Phaik-Eem Lim, Jun Xie, Wei Ning Chen. Screening andeffect evaluation of chemical inducers for enhancing astaxanthin and lipidproduction in mixotrophic Chromochloriszofingiensis. Journal of Applied Phycology,https://doi.org/10.1007/s1081-021-02618-6 (Q1, 2020 IF 3.215).
6. Qingke Wang,Zongyi Yu, Dong Wei *, Weining Chen, Jun Xie. MixotrophicChlorella pyrenoidosa as cell factory for ultrahigh-efficient removal ofammonium from catalyzer wastewater with valuable algal biomass coproductionthrough short-time acclimation. Bioresource Technology 333 (2021)125151 (Q1 TOP, 2020 IF 9.642).
7. Liu, L.#; Sanchez-Arcos, C#.; Pohnert,G.; Wei, D*. Untargeted MetabolomicsUnveil Changes in Autotrophic and Mixotrophic Galdieria sulphuraria Exposed to High-Light Intensity. Int. J. Mol.Sci. 2021, 22, 1247 (Q2, 2020 IF 5.923).
8. 诸德斐,杨润青,宋培钦,魏东*. 光及补料条件对室内管道光反应器中三角褐指藻生长和岩藻黄素积累的影响,广东海洋大学学报, 2021,41(2): 18-26.
9. Kai Peng, Xiaoying Chen, Dong Wei, Lirong Zhao, Bing Chen,Wenyan Mo, Chuntian Zheng , Yuping Sun*. Inclusion of Chlorella water extractin Oreochromis niloticus fingerlingdiets: Effects on growth performance, body composition, digestive enzymeactivity, antioxidant and immune capacity, intestine and hepatichistomorphology and sodium nitrite stress resistance. Aquaculture Reports 18(2020) 100547 (2020 IF 3.216)
10. 骆小英,杨润青,魏东*.蛋白核小球藻浓缩制品低温保藏技术研究,渔业科学进展,2022,43:00-00,DOI: 10.19663/j.issn2095-9869.20200930001.
11. 王珊,杨润青,魏东*. 碳氮源优化提高兼养三角褐指藻生物量和岩藻黄素产量,食品与生物技术学报,2021,40(10):82-90.
12. 何健泽,陈俊辉,姜雪亚,魏东*. 佐夫色绿藻高产虾青素的诱导条件及发酵工艺优化, 食品现代科技,2020,37,5,52-62.
13. Runqing Yang, Dong Wei*. Improving fucoxanthin production in mixotrophic cultureof marine diatom Phaeodactylumtricornutum by LED light shift and nitrogen supplementation, Frontiers ofBioengineering and Biotechnology. 2020. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.00820 (Q1, 2020IF 5.89).
14. QingkeWang, Zongyi Yu, Dong Wei*.High-yield production of biomass, protein and pigments by mixotrophic Chlorella pyrenoidosa through conversionof high ammonium in wastewater, Bioresource Technology 313 (2020)123499 (Q1TOP, 2020 IF 9.642).
15.Lei Qin, Dong Wei*. Transcriptomeanalysis reveals metabolic regulation mechanism of microalga Chlorella pyrenoidosa in response to themixed culture with yeast Yarrowialipolytica. Journal of Applied Phycology (2020) 32, 2841–2849 (Q2, 2020 IF3.215).
16.Wai-Kuan Yong, Kae-Shin Sim, Sze-Wan Poong, Dong Wei, Siew-Moi Phang, Phaik-Eem Lim1*. Interactive effects ofwarming and copper toxicity on a tropical freshwater green microalga Chloromonas augustae (Chlorophyceae). Journal of Applied Phycology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-020-02087-3(Q2, 2020 IF 3.215).
17.骆小英, 陈俊辉, 魏东*. 蛋白核小球藻高效同化硝态氮联产微藻蛋白. 生物工程学报, 2020, 36(6): 1150−1161.
18. Junhui Chen, Xiaoli Jiang, Dong Wei*, Effects of urea on cell growth and physiologicalresponse in pigment biosynthesis in mixotrophic Chromochloris zofingiensis, Journal of Applied Phycology (2020)32:1607-1618 (Q2, 2020 IF 3.215).
19.Runqing Yang, Dong Wei*, Jun Xie. Diatoms as cell factories for high-valueproducts: Chrysolaminarin, eicosapentenoic acid and fucoxanthin, CriticalReview in Biotechnology 2020, 40, 7, 993–1009 (Q1 TOP, 2020 IF 8.429)
20. 郑雅莉、朱宝君、魏东*,嗜硫原始红藻Galdieriasulphuraria高效生产藻胆蛋白混养条件优化,现代食品科技,2020,36(9):54-61.



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