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姓名: 黄建科 工作单位: 河海大学海洋学院
性别: 出生日期:
所在区域: 南京 研究方向: 海洋微藻培养与资源化开发、生物反应器设计、优化与放大
职务: 职称: 副教授
学历: 研究生 学位: 博士
学术兼职: 2016.5-2017.5中国藻业协会微藻分会第一界青年工作委员会委员
2002/09 – 2006/06,中国矿业大学,化工学院,生物工程, 本科,学士
2006/09 – 2012/11,华东理工大学,生工学院,生物化工, 硕博,博士
2012/12 –2014/12,华东理工大学,生工学院,轻工技术与工程,师资博士后
2015/01–2019/08, 华东理工大学,生工学院,生物反应器国家重点实验室,讲师
2018/01–2018/12, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland, Australia,访问学者
2019/09 –至今,河海大学,海洋学院,副教授
1.微藻光自养培养过程中剪切力对藻细胞的伤害作用机制及其调控 ,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2015.1~2017.12
3.光生物反应器设计与放大研究. 973项目“微藻能源规模化制备的科学基础”中的课题“基于光照方向混合及光衰减特性的光生物反应器设计与放大原理”的子课题,2013.8~2015.8
1.Jianke Huang, Ben Hankamer, Jennifer, Yarnold. Design scenarios of outdoor arrayed cylindrical photobioreactors for microalgae cultivation considering solar radiation and temperature, Algal research, 2019
2.Jianke Huang, Qijian Yang, Jianpei Chen, Minxi Wan, Jiangguo Ying, Fei Fan, Jun Wang, Wei Li, Yuanguang Li. Design and optimization of a novel airlift-driven sloping raceway pond with numerical and practical experiments. Algal research,2016
3.Jianke Huang, Jiangguo Ying, Fan Fei, Qijian Yang, Jun Wang, Yuanguang Li. Developed a novel multi-tube airlift photobioreactor with easy scablilty by means of computational fluid dynamic simulations and experiments.Bioresource Technology,2016
4.Fanxue Zeng, Jianke Huang, Chen Meng, Fachao Zhu, Jianpei Chen. Investigation on novel raceway pond with inclined paddle wheels through simulation and microalgae culture experiments.Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2016
5.Jianke Huang, Xiaoxing Qu, Minxi Wan, Jiangguo Ying, Yuanguang Li, Faochao Zhu, Jun Wang, Guomin Shen, Jianpei Chen, Wei Li. Investigation on the performance of raceway ponds with internal structures by the means of CFD simulations and experiments. Algal research. 2015
6.Jianke Huang, Fei Feng, Minxi Wan, Jiangguo Ying, Yuanguang Li, Xiaoxing Qu, Ronghua Pan, Guomin Shen, Wei Li. Improving performance of flat-plate photobioreactors by installation of novel internal mixers optimized with computational fluid dynamics. Bioresource Technology, 2015
7.Jianke Huang, Shaofeng Kang, Minxi Wan, Yuanguang Li, Xiaoxing Qu, Fei Feng, Jun Wang, Weiliang Wang Guomin Shen, Wei Li. Numerical and experimental study on the performance of flat-plate photobioreactors with different inner structures for microalgae cultivation. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2015
8.Jianke Huang, Yuanguang Li, Minxi Wan, Yi Yan, Fei Feng, Xiaoxing Qu, Jun Wang , Guomin Shen, Wei Li, Jianhua Fan, Weiliang Wang. Novel flat-plate photobioreactors for microalgae cultivation with special mixers to promote mixing along the light gradient.Bioresource Technology, 2014
9.Feifei Han, Jianke Huang , Yuanguang Li, Weiliang Wang, Minxi Wan, Guomin Shen, Jun Wang. Enhanced lipid productivity of Chlorella pyrenoidosathrough the culture strategy of semi-continuous cultivation with nitrogen limitation and pH control by CO2. Bioresource Technology, 2013
10.Feifei Han, Jianke Huang, Yuanguang Li, Weiliang Wang, Jun Wang, Jianhua Fan, Guomin Shen. Enhancement of microalgal biomass and lipid productivities by a model of photoautotrophic culture with heterotrophic cells as seed. Bioresource Technology 2012
Wenchao Cheng, Jianke Huang, Jianpei Chen. CFD simulation of mixing characteristics and light regime in tubular photobioreactors with novel static mixers. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2016
11.Chen Meng, Jianke Huang, Chunyu Ye, Jianpei Chen, Yuanguang Li. Comparing the performances of circular ponds with different impellers by CFD simulation and microalgae culture experiments.Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2015
B Sheng, F Fan, J Huang, W Bai, J Wang, S Li, W Li, M Wan, Y Li. Investigation on models for light distribution of Haematococcus pluvialis during astaxanthin accumulation stage with an application case. 2018,Algal Research
12.Jianhua Fan, Jianke Huang, Yuanguang Li, Feifei Han, Jun Wang, Xinwu Li, Weiliang Wang, Shulan Li. Sequential heterotrophy–dilution–photoinduction cultivation for efficient microalgal biomass and lipid production. Bioresource Technology, 2012.
13.Jianke Huang, Minxi Wan, Yuanguang Li. Bioreactors Engineering and Selected Technical Aspects of Efficiency/Productivity Issues of Algae Production Systems. Algae as a Potential Source of Food and Energy in Developing Countries Book Title, 2015.Edited by Alvise Perosa, Guido Bordignon, Giampietro Ravagnan, Sergey Zinoviev. Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Digital Publishing Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia.ISBN



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