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姓名: 洪喻 工作单位: 北京林业大学环境科学与工程学院
性别: 出生日期:
所在区域: 北京 研究方向: 污染资源化处理与碳减排,环境功能材料,环境风险物质毒性评价
职务: 职称: 教授
学历: 研究生 学位: 博士
学术兼职: 现担任中国化学学会青年工作委员会委员,中国藻业协会微藻分会青工委委员,中国环境科学学会水处理与回用专业委员会委员,国际水协会会员,亚洲化感作用协会终身会员,国际化感作用协会第六届国家会议中国组委会委员
联系方式: yuhong@bjfu.edu.cn
1. Zhao G P, Wang X Y, Hong Y*, Liu X Y, Wang Q, Zhai Q Y, Zhang H K. Attached cultivation of microalgae on rational carriers for swine wastewater treatment and biomass harvesting. Bioresource Technology. https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.biortech. 2022.127014.
2. Zhan M M, Ma M J, Hong Y*, Zhang C K, Li L H, Xu Y, Zhang Z L. Achieving highly efficient growth inhibition on Microcystis aeruginosa with location-based lactic acid composites. Desalination and Water Treatment. https://doi: 10.5004/dwt.2022.28279.
3. W X Y, Hong Y*. Microalgae biofilm and bacteria symbiosis in nutrient removal and carbon fixation from wastewater: a review. Current Pollution Reports. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40726-022-00214-x
4. Zhan M M, Hong Y*. Recent advances in technologies for removal of microcystins in water: A review. Current Pollution Reports. https://doi: 10.1007/s40726-022-00215-w
5. Liu X Y, Hong Y*, Zhao G P, Zhang H K, Zhai Q Y, Wang Q. Microalgae-based swine wastewater treatment: strain screening, conditions optimization, physiological activity and biomass potential. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 807: 151008
6. Liu X Y, Hong Y*, Gu W P. Influence of light quality on Chlorella growth, photosynthesis and high-valued products accumulation in coastal saline-alkali leachate. Water Reuse, 2021, 11(2): 301–311
7. Liu X Y, Hong Y*, Liu Yu. Effect of light quality on Chlorella sp. HQ cultivation in inland saline-alkali leachate: growth, lipid accumulation and fatty acid profile. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2022, 16(4): 45
8. Chen Z Y, Li L H, Hao L C, Hong Y*. Hormesis-like growth and photosynthetic physiology of marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin exposed to polystyrene microplastics. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering. 2021. 16(1): 2
9. Zhan M M, Liu P R, Liu X Y, Hong Y*, Xie X. Inactivation and removal technologies for algal-bloom control:Advances and challenges. Current Pollution Reports. 2021. 7(3): 392-406
10. Liu X Y, Hong Y*. Microalgae-based wastewater treatment and recovery with biomass and high-value products: A brief review. Current Pollution Reports. 2021. 7(2): 227-245
11. Zhang Q, Hao L C, Hong Y*. Detrimental effects induced by diisononyl phthalate on development and behavior of Drosophila larva and potential mechanisms. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C. 2021. 243: 108967.
12. Liu X Y, Hong Y*, Gu W P. Influence of light quality on Chlorella growth, photosynthesis, and high-valued products accumulation in coastal saline-alkali leachate. Journal of Water Reuse & Desalination, 2020. DOI: 10.2166/wrd.2021.088
13. Zhang Q, Hao L C, Hong Y*. Exploring the multilevel effects of triclosan from development, reproduction to behavior using Drosophila melanogaster. Science of the Total Environment. 2021, Mar 25th, 762: 144170. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144170
14. Zhang Q, Hao L C, Hong Y*. Exposure evaluation of diisononyl phthalate in the adults of Drosophila melanogaster: Potential risks in fertility, lifespan, behavior and modes of action. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C, 2020. Dec, 238: 108847, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc.2020.108847
15. Liu X Y, Hong Y*, He Y T, Gu W P. Comparison of oleaginous microalgal growth and lipid accumulation in saline-alkali leachate: a case from Shandong Province. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2020, 187: 390-398
16. Liu P R, Zhou J F, Hong Y*, Xie X*. Electric-field enhanced microalgae inactivation using a flow-through copper ionization cell. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020. Dec, 400: 123320, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123320.
17. Li L H, Li X Y, Hong Y*, Jiang M R, Lu S L. Use of microalgae for the treatment of black and odorous water: Purification effects and optimization of treatment conditions. Algal Research. 2020, 47: 101851-101861. DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2020.101851
18. Liu P R, Zhou J F, Wang T, Yu C. Hong Y*, Xie X*. Efficient microalgae inactivation and growth control by locally enhanced electric field treatment (LEEFT). Environmental Science: Nano. 2020, 7: 2021-2031
19. Liu P R, Wang T, Yang Z Y, Hong Y*, Xie X, Hou Y L. Effects of Fe3O4 nanoparticle fabrication and surface modification on Chlorella sp. harvesting efficiency. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 704: 135286. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135286
20. Liu X Y, Hong Y*, He Y T, Liu Y. Growth and high-valued products accumulation characteristics of microalgae in saline-alkali leachate from Inner Mongolia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26: 36985-36992
21. Liu X Y, Hong Y*, Liu P R, Zhan J J, Yan R. Effects of cultivation strategies on the cultivation of Chlorella sp. HQ in photoreactors. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2019, Sep, 13(5): 78-88
22. He Y T, Hong Y*, Liu X Y, Zhang Q, Liu P R, Wang S Y. Influences of carbon and nitrogen sources and metal ions on the heterotrophic culture of Scenedesmus sp. LX1. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, May, 26(13):13381-13389
23. Liu P R, Yang Z Y, Hong Y*, Hou Y L. An in-situ method for synthesis of magnetic nanomaterials and efficient harvesting for oleaginous microalgae in algal culture. Algal Research, 2018, April, 31:173–182
24. Liu Y, Zhang J J, Hong Y*. Effects of metal ions on the cultivation of an oleaginous microalga Chlorella sp. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(34):26594–26604
25. Liu P R, Wang T, Yang Z Y, Hong Y*, Hou Y L. Long-chain poly-arginine functionalized porous Fe3O4 microspheres as magnetic flocculant for efficient harvesting of oleaginous microalgae. Algal Research, 2017, 27: 99-108
26. Liu Y, Zhang Q, Hong Y*. Formation of disinfection byproducts from accumulated soluble products of oleaginous microalga after chlorination. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2017, 11(6): 1-7
27. Liu P R, Yang W L, Wang T, Hong Y*, Hou Y L. Functional graphene-based magnetic nanocomposites as magnetic flocculant for efficient harvesting of oleaginous microalgae. Algal Research, 2016 Nov., 19: 86-95
28. Wang T, Yang W L, Hong Y*, Hou Y L. Magnetic nanoparticles grafted with amino-riched dendrimer as magnetic flocculant for efficient harvesting of oleaginous microalgae. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 297: 304–314
29. Zhan J J, Hong Y*, Hu H Y. Effects of nitrogen sources and C/N ratios on lipid-producing potential of Chlorella sp. HQ. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 26(7):1290-302
30. Zhan J J, Zhang Q, Qin M M, Hong Y*. Selection and characterization of eight freshwater green algae strains for synchronous water purification and lipid production. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2016, 10(3): 548–558
31. Zhang Q, Zhan J J, Hong Y*. The effects of temperature on the growth, lipid accumulation and nutrient removal characteristics of Chlorella sp. HQ. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 57(22): 10403-10408.
32. Rehman S, Yang W L, Liu F, Hong Y*, Wang T, Hou Y L*. Facile synthesis of anisotropic single crystalline α-Fe2O3 nanoplates and their facet-dependent catalytic performance. Inorganic Chemistry Frontier, 2015, 2: 576–583.
33. Zhang Q, Wang T, Hong Y*. Investigation of initial pH effects on growth of an oleaginous microalgae Chlorella sp. HQ for lipid production and nutrient uptake. Water Science and Technology, 2014, 70(4): 712-719.
34. Zhao W Y, Yu J Y, Wu Y H, Hong Y, Hu H Y. Enhancement of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 biomass production and lipid accumulation using iron in artificial wastewater and domestic secondary effluent. Korean Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, 42(2): 131-138.
35. Hong Y*, Xu K. Growth relationships of a lipid-producing Chlorella-alga with common microalgae in laboratory co-cultures. Microbiology, 2014, 83(4): 366-375.
36. Zhang Q, Hong Y*. Comparison of growth and lipid accumulation properties of two oleaginous microalgae under different nutrient conditions. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2014, 8(5): 703-709.
37. Zhang Q, Hong Y*. Comparison in growth, lipid accumulation, and nutrient removal capacity of Chlorella sp. in secondary effluents under sterile and non-sterile conditions. Water Science and Technology, 2014, 69(3):573-539.
38. Zhang Q, Hong Y*. Effects of stationary phase elongation and initial nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations on the growth and lipid-producing potential of Chlorella sp. HQ. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2014 Feb., 26(1):141-149.
39. Hong Y*, Xu K. Co-existing growth relationships of a lipid-producing alga with three microalgae. Allelopathy Journal, 2013, Oct, 32(2): 301-314.
40. Hong Y*, Hu H Y, Sakoda A, Sagehashi M. Straw preservation effects of Arundo donax L. on its allelopathic activity to toxic and bloom-forming Microcystis aeruginosa. Water Science and Technology. 2011, May; 63(8): 1566-1573.
41. Hong Y*, Hu H Y, Sakoda A, Sagehashi M. Isolation and characterization of antialgal allelochemicals from Arundo donax L.. Allelopathy Journal, 2010, Mar; 25 (2): 357-368
42. Hong Y*, Huang J J, Hu H Y. Effects of a novel allelochemical ethyl 2-methyl acetoacetate (EMA) on the ultrastructure and pigment composition of cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009, Oct; 83(4): 502-508. (DOI: 10.1007/s00128-009-9795-4)
43. Zhang X, Hu HY, Hong Y. Primary study on the feeding characteristics of a golden alga on Microcystis aeruginosa. Water Science and Technology, 2009, 59(9):1727-1732.
44. Hong Y, Hu H Y, Xie X, Sakoda A, Sagehashi M, Li F M. Gramine-induced growth inhibition, oxidative damage and antioxidant responses in freshwater cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Aquatic Toxicology, 2009, Feb 19; 91(3):262-269. (DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2008.11.014)
45. Hu H Y, Hong Y. Algal-bloom control by allelopathy of aquatic macrophytes - A review. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2008, Dec 1; 2(4): 421-438
46. Zhang X, Hu H Y, Hong Y, Yang J. Isolation of a Poterioochromonas capable of feeding on Microcystis aeruginosa and degrading microcystin-LR. FEMS Microbiology Letter, 2008, Nov; 288(2): 241-246.
47. Hong Y, Hu H Y, Li F M. Physiological and biochemical effects of allelochemical ethyl 2-methyl acetoacetate (EMA) on cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2008, Oct; 71(2): 527-534. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2007.10.010)
48. Hong Y, Hu H Y, Xie X, Li F M. Responses of enzymatic antioxidants and non-enzymatic antioxidants in cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa to allelochemical ethyl 2-methyl acetoacetate (EMA) isolated from reed (Phragmites communis). Journal of Plant Physiology, 2008, Aug 25; 165(12): 1264-1273.
49. Hong Y, Hu H Y, Li F M. Growth and physiological responses of freshwater green alga Selenastrum capricornutum to allelochemical ethyl 2-methyl acetoacetate (EMA) at different initial algal densities. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2008, Mar; 90(3): 203-212.
50. Hong Y, Hu H Y. Effects of the aquatic extracts of Arundo donax L. on the growth of freshwater algae. Allelopathy Journal, 2007, Oct; 20(2): 315-325.
51. Lv Y S, Lv Y B, Ye Y H, Wang Y L, Hong Y, Fortini M E, Zhong Y, Xie Z P. A role for presenilin in post-stress regulation: effects of presenilin mutations on Ca2+ currents in Drosophila. FASEB Journal, 2007, Aug; 21(10): 2368-2378.
52. 刘佩蕊,洪喻*,谢兴. 藻华防控方法及灭活与捕获新技术研究进展. 环境科学与技术. 环境科学与技术, 2021, 44(2): 171-185.
53. 陈足音, 洪喻, 郝丽翀, 李丽华. 湿热老化聚苯乙烯微塑料对三角褐指藻生长及光合活性的影响[J]. 环境科学与技术, 2020, 43(3): 30-37.
54. 洪喻*,郝立翀,陈足音. 新兴污染物对微藻的毒性作用与机制研究进展. 生态毒理学报,2019,14( 5) : 22-45
55. 刘晓亚,洪喻*,占晶晶,鄢然. 更新率对小球藻生长与油脂积累的影响. 环境科学与技术, 2019,42(5): 1-6
56. 上官小亚,洪喻*. 混菌发酵毛白杨落叶产单细胞蛋白的研究. 环境科学与技术, 2014, 37(8): 156-160.
57. 洪喻*, 许可. 微藻间竞争机制研究进展. 环境科学与技术, 2014, 37(5): 75-81
58. 洪喻*, 许可. 产油小球藻与常见蓝藻共存时的生长关系研究. 环境科学与技术, 2013,36(12): 71-77, 99
59. 赵长炜, 梁英梅, 张立秋, 洪喻. 垃圾填埋场覆土层植物根围甲烷氧化活性研究. 西北林学院学报, 2010, 25(6): 59-63.
60. 温馨, 封莉, 王辉, 洪喻*, 张立秋. 生活垃圾填埋场不同封场期场地植物抗氧化酶活性. 生态学杂志, 2010, 29(8): 1612-1617.
61. 洪喻, 胡洪营. 水生植物化感抑藻作用研究与应用. 科学通报, 2009, 54(3):287-293.
62. 洪喻, 胡洪营, 黄晶晶, 迫田章义, 下桥雅树, 李锋民. 芦竹抑藻物质的初步分离及抑制铜绿微囊藻的效果. 环境化学, 2008, 11月, 27(6): 751-755.
63. 洪喻, 胡洪营, 黄晶晶, Sakoda Akiyoshi, Sagehashi Masaki, 李锋民. 不同溶剂提取芦竹化感物质对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响. 环境科学, 2008, 11月, 29(11): 3143-3147.
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